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Food Insecurity is on the Rise

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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Homeless Lunch bags (CCM/EDS weekly) | Prayer Meeting (quarterly)

Women’s Ministries Home League/exercise class (Bi-weekly) | Tutoring & Mentoring Program (weekly) | No Limits in love ministries (CCM flowers)

Adult Bible Study/Sister’s Inc Bible/Creative Study (Bi-weekly) | Monthly Advisory Board Meeting (3rd Wednesdays)
Tutoring & Mentoring Program (weekly) | Homeless Lunch bags (CCM/EDS weekly)

Troops/Creative worship arts (Bi-weekly)

Teen Night (Monthly) | Young Adult Night (quarterly)

Men’s Discipleship Breakfast (Monthly)

9:15am Adult Sunday school
9:15am Corps Cadet (no corps cadets on January, June, July)
10:15am Jr. Church Service
10:30am Worship Service
3rd Sunday Potluck (subject to change due to health guidelines
Corps Council Meeting (Bi-Monthly)

- Social Services Office Hours -
Monday-Friday 10am-4pm | Homeless ready-made lunch bags ready all week

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Food Pantry 10am-2pm | Tuesdays & Thursdays: Appointment only | Appointments scheduled by Karina


Mailing address directly to Auburn- P.O. Box 4088 Auburn CA 95604

Office phone: (530) 889- 3990

PLEASE NOTE; You must call before bringing in non-food donations to ensure we can take them (PLEASE do not dump them if no one is here).

Get Directions 


The Salvation Army is a nonprofit organization offering services in over 120 countries around the world, and in every zip code of the United States. Salvation Army Programs are led by Salvation Army Officers. These officers are responsible to lead by assessing needs, delivering programs and directing ministries for our local community. From serving food to balancing the books, they function as the Executive Directors and the Pastors for the Auburn Corps.


Your Auburn Officers

Lieutenants Stephen & Faith Hartt


Welcome to The Salvation Army of Auburn

Social Services Office Hours: Monday-Friday 10am-4pm | Homeless ready-made lunch bags ready all week

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Food Pantry 10am-2pm | Tuesdays & Thursdays: Appointment only
(Appointments scheduled by Karina)

First time visit requirements are below. We do periodic checks throughout the year to update/edit any info needed.

Requirements for family/individual monthly visit: Valid ID, proof of residency, and If they have children their birth certificates/guardianship papers to ensure they are in our service area.

Requirements for seniors bi-weekly visit: must be 65 years or older (they can get food twice a month due to being on a fixed income and provide all same requirements).

PLEASE NOTE; You must call before bringing in non-food donations to ensure we can take them (PLEASE do not dump them if no one is here).

  • Church and Spiritual care

  • Food pantry

  • Housing and utility assistance

  • Emergency Disaster services

  • Youth programs and Summer camps

  • Women’s and Men’s programs

  • Senior services

  • Intermittent Adult and Family Case Management

  • Rehabilitation Services Referrals 

Wherever there is a need in Auburn

you'll find the Salvation Army. Find out how you can help.

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Our Leadership

Salvation Army Programs are led by Salvation Army Officers. These officers are responsible to lead by assessing needs, delivering programs and directing ministries for our local community. From serving food to balancing the books, they function as the Executive Directors and the Pastors for the Auburn Corps.

Why the uniform?